
Sublime Text 3安装html-css-js prettify插件原创

4. **HTML-CSS-JS Prettify** 这个插件能自动格式化HTML、CSS和JavaScript代码,使代码更加整洁易读。安装后,你可以通过快捷键或右键菜单来美化代码,避免 ...

Sublime插件之HTML-CSS-JS Prettify格式化前端代码

Sublime插件之HTML-CSS-JS Prettify格式化前端代码. 使用sublime的拓展,安装 HTML-CSS-JS Prettify 插件。 # 配置node的路径. Preferences -> Package Setting ...


This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React and Vue code. It uses a set of nice beautifier scripts ...


This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React and Vue code. It uses a set of nice beautifier scripts ...

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify

This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React and Vue code. It uses a set of nice beautifier scripts made ...

How do I beautify in Sublime Text 2

Use: HTML-CSS-JS Prettify · Prettify. You can adjust the following settings @: Menu > Preferences > Package Settings > HTML/CSS/JS Prettify ...

Sublime text 插件HTML-CSS-JS Prettify详细设置说明

Sublime text 插件HTML-CSS-JS Prettify详细设置说明. 谷爱雨. 18:37. 关注. 【效果展示】. 格式化设置①. 快捷键设置可自定义.

sublime格式化插件---HTML-CSS-JS Prettify美化代码- 剑仙6

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify配置可使用.jsbeautifyrc文件,js-beautify会在被优化代码文件的当前目录查找,如果找不到会向上级目录查找。

What is the best alternative for HTML-CSS-JS Prettify

I'm looking for a package to format HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in sublime text 3. Is there any alternative for HTML-CSS-JS prettify ...


4.**HTML-CSS-JSPrettify**这个插件能自动格式化HTML、CSS和JavaScript代码,使代码更加整洁易读。安装后,你可以通过快捷键或右键菜单来美化代码,避免 ...,Sublime插件之HTML-CSS-JSPrettify格式化前端代码.使用sublime的拓展,安装HTML-CSS-JSPrettify插件。#配置node的路径.Preferences->PackageSetting ...,ThisisaSublimeText2and3pluginallowingyoutoformatyourHTML,CSS,JavaScript,JSON,ReactandVuecode.Itusesaset...